Home for the Holidays Read online

Page 11

  “Yes, thank you, Peter.”

  “I’ll bring cinnamon rolls from Silva’s tea shop.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sweet dreams.” Peter knew that if he didn’t go to sleep thinking about Rollins, he’d be dreaming about being with Meghan in her big bed, the bed curtains shutting out the rest of the world.

  * * *

  The next morning, Meghan met with Peter at the inn where he’d brought her and her sisters cinnamon rolls.

  “I can’t believe Rollins is risking his life by hanging around here,” Laurel said, fixing them cups of hot peppermint mocha.

  Ellie shook her head. “Some people are so filled with vengeance, they can’t let go, even if it means their own self-destruction.”

  “I agree. No sign of Chrissy?” Peter asked.

  “Not this morning,” Meghan said, worried that the maid was upset that Meghan hadn’t gone to the mine last night to try to resolve this.

  Peter got a text and said, “Brett and Tom are waiting for us at the mine. Are you ready to go?”

  Meghan licked the cinnamon and sugar off her lips, Peter watching her and smiling a little, and she figured if her sisters weren’t here, he would have licked it off her mouth himself.

  They bundled up and drove over to the mine after that.

  Brett and Tom were waiting for them next to the mine shaft, and Meghan was concerned that this might be a bust. She usually connected with ghosts on her own or with her sisters and didn’t have to worry about wasting anyone else’s time. She could imagine just how boring this could be for the men as they trekked back through the mine, one tunnel after another, seeing nothing but one another and their lights highlighting the rock walls, ceiling, and floor.

  But near where she’d found the two men before, she saw Oliver’s ghost leaning on a mining cart, and she brightened. “Hi, Oliver. I haven’t spoken to your parents yet, but I intend to. Do you know where Alvin is?”

  “Here,” Alvin said, suddenly appearing.

  “Oh, Alvin, Chrissy was delighted to see the locket you gave her. She wanted you to have these.” At least with his gifts, they were nearly pristine, just a little yellowed at the edges. Meghan pulled the handkerchief and the card out and approached him. She let him see both before she opened the card so he could read the sentiment Chrissy had written.

  Tears filled his eyes.

  “She loves you and always has. She wants to be with you forever, Alvin. Your mate for…” Meghan almost made the mistake of saying life, but they were past that. “Your mate forever.”

  He reached out to take the items or to hold Meghan’s hands; she wasn’t certain which.

  “Tell her we will do it. You’ll make it happen.” Then Alvin faded into oblivion.

  Meghan stood there, wondering if that had done the trick. She would have been elated if it had worked, but she wasn’t sure if it had. She said to Oliver, “I’ll be back. I promise.”

  He inclined his head, and then she and her escort headed to the exit.

  “Did Alvin leave?” Peter asked.

  “Yeah, but I don’t know if it was permanent or not. He was thrilled with the gifts, though. I’ll call Laurel to see if she can get hold of Chrissy as soon as we leave the mine.”

  When they had climbed out of the mine, Meghan immediately called her sister with the news. “Hey, I spoke to Alvin, showed him Chrissy’s gifts, and he said he loved her and that they’d be together forever. Can you see if you can relay the message to Chrissy?”

  “The inn has guests right now. I’ll do it as soon as I can though,” Laurel said.

  Great. Meghan relayed the information to her escort. “Okay, then the next thing we need to do is open up Alvin’s coffin.”

  The men smiled.

  Peter got on his phone to Darien. “Hey, Darien, can we open another coffin?”

  * * *

  Checking out Alvin’s coffin was next on the agenda. Peter just hoped they wouldn’t need to dig up Oliver’s remains during the spring thaw. Yet, he reminded himself, if it helped the restless ghosts find peace, they had to do it. Luckily, Alvin didn’t have any living family that would object to his coffin being opened. At the vault, men gathered around to open Alvin’s coffin.

  Tom and Brett opened it, and Meghan said a prayer over his remains, then set the handkerchief and card on top of them. She nodded to the men, and they sealed it up.

  She waited. Everyone waited. Peter didn’t think she’d ever agree to leave, but she wasn’t speaking with anyone, and he suspected Alvin hadn’t made a ghostly appearance. She suddenly wiped tears off her cheeks, and Peter took her into his arms. “We’re done here, men, thanks. We need to keep looking for Rollins.”

  “Yes, sir,” several of the men said.

  Tom and Brett waited to hear what Peter was going to do next. “I’ll take Meghan back to the inn.”

  “Thanks, Peter,” she said, her teary eyes looking up at him.

  Tom and Brett followed behind them in Brett’s vehicle.

  “You’re all right at the inn with Trevor and Jake, right?” Peter asked.


  When they arrived at the inn, Tom and Brett headed off to do whatever they needed to. Peter walked Meghan to the front of the inn, and Trevor opened the door for her.

  “Success at the cemetery?” Trevor asked.

  “Hopefully,” Peter said. He asked Meghan, “What about seeing the Frasers?”

  “I think tomorrow would be better, and I’ll see you tonight.” Meghan kissed him and then headed straight for the kitchen. “Chrissy,” she said under her breath.

  Trevor exchanged looks with Peter. Yes, Peter knew she was going to be a handful. And hopefully all his…soon. He suspected she wasn’t comfortable about telling the Frasers their son’s spirt was hanging around the mine, but Peter would be there when she saw them, just in case there was trouble.

  * * *

  “Chrissy’s been trying to hold on until you returned,” Laurel said to Meghan.

  Chrissy’s eyes were filled with tears, her hands clenched together. “Laurel told me you gave Alvin the presents.”

  “I did. He loved them, Chrissy. He loves you.” Meghan fought the tears welling up in her eyes. They’d known Chrissy since they’d begun renovations on the inn. She was part of it, but she wasn’t happy here any longer. She needed to be with Alvin and finally rest in peace.

  Chrissy smiled. “He wants me to be his mate.” Her form morphed into a ghostly wolf and back into her human form as if she couldn’t hold her shape. Then she did it several more times, her form ghostlier each time.

  “He does. And he treasures your gifts to him. He has them now. Chrissy, before you go, I just wanted to say you’re the best maid we’ve ever had. We’re so glad you’ll be with Alvin.” Meghan wanted to tell Chrissy they’d miss her, because they would, but she was afraid she might sabotage things.

  Chrissy beamed. “Thank you. I know Alvin loves me. I’m leaving now.”

  “What about Alvin?” Meghan was still afraid he’d be in the mine when she returned there to help Oliver.

  “He’s waiting for me. I was only lingering here for your return. To say thank you. I’m going now.”

  “Have a good life with Alvin. You both deserve it.”

  Chrissy nodded, and then she shifted again into the wolf and howled as if to tell Alvin she was coming. They heard a ghostly howl in return. A male wolf. And then she was gone.

  This time, Meghan could sense that Chrissy was really gone. The room became warmer; there was a whiff of violets, and then nothing.

  “You did it,” Laurel said, hugging her. “You did it for Chrissy and Alvin.”

  “They’ll be together for Christmas, wherever they end up.” Meghan hugged Laurel back and wiped her tears away. She was glad Chrissy had found her
final resting place with the one she loved.

  “I’m glad she won’t be crying about Christmas in the inn any longer. She’ll be happier now.” Laurel was just as misty-eyed. “You didn’t want to see the Frasers yet, I take it?”

  “No. I’ll do it tomorrow.” Meghan fixed them a pot of tea. “You should have told me Chrissy was waiting at the inn.”

  “You were already on your way home. The star-crossed lovers finally are back together. But Ellie really needs a break from the front desk. Can you take over for a few hours? I know I said you could have the free time, but I’ve got to take care of some financial business. Be sure to ask Peter to come and help us make our gingerbread hotel tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, right.” Meghan couldn’t quit thinking about ghosts. She needed to enjoy the holidays. But she had to help her sisters run the inn too. She carried two mugs of cranberry tea to the front counter. “Hey, Ellie, I’ve got this.” She gave her sister a mug of hot tea and set her own down on the counter, then waited for any calls to come in.

  “Thanks,” Ellie said. “I’m taking a nap.”

  “Okay, good show.” Meghan was busy most of the rest of the afternoon, taking a break for a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a spinach salad while Laurel took over, and then returning to the desk. Between reservations and general guest calls, she continued to stay busy.

  But she couldn’t wait to have dinner with Peter, hoping he would tell her about his late wife. She had to make sure he was all right about her sending a wolf to prison, and if he really was okay with her ghostly abilities.

  Chapter 10

  Wrapping up paperwork at the sheriff’s office, both concerning the attack on Bill and the countless car accidents they’d had earlier, Peter was glad he didn’t also have to write up anything on ghostly encounters. He was uneasy about telling Meghan tonight at dinner that he’d had a mate before, though. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever been this anxious about anything.

  He’d lost his mate many years ago, but some of the wolves in the pack frowned on him even considering taking another mate. Truly, he hadn’t believed he’d do so either. Not until he’d met Meghan. She was a breath of fresh air, eager to help others in need, playful with her sisters, fun for Peter to be with, yet he’d been holding back. Afraid to tell her he’d already had a mate. Afraid she’d think less of him, like some did.

  Still, most were supportive of him, thankfully. All the Silvers believed Peter and Meghan were right for each other. They felt Peter should have a second chance at finding love. He couldn’t appreciate them more for it.

  In the position he held as the sheriff of Silver Town, he’d earned the pack members’ respect. After everything their former sheriff had pulled, Peter prided himself on doing the right thing. The mate issue was something born of being a lupus garou, not something most humans probably could fathom. He knew, even in the wild, some wolves found new mates after losing their own.

  No one had informed Meghan that Peter had already had a mate, but it was way past time to discuss it with her. All his friends had told him countless times he needed to come clean with her. Either they’d work it out or they weren’t meant to be together, he kept telling himself.

  Every time he considered she might reject him over it, he felt physically sick. He just couldn’t imagine seeing her in Silver Town courting some other wolf. Not when he was so stuck on her.

  He thought again about Bill and had called Lelandi to ask her if she’d learned more about Bill’s state of mind, since she was not only one of their pack leaders, but also the pack psychologist. She’d told him Bill seemed to believe if he could talk to Meghan, he could convince her how wrong he’d been before. Peter had hoped the guy had figured it was time for him to move on. Damn it.

  Peter heard someone enter the sheriff’s office and looked up from his computer monitor to see CJ sitting down at his computer. “Still no sign of Rollins in Silver Town or our surrounding territory,” CJ said. He began checking online for any news concerning murders or attempted murders in St. Augustine. Peter had asked him to see if Rollins had gone after any of the three human women who had testified against him.

  The scratch marks on Rollins’s face that one of the miner’s ghosts had noticed made Peter suspect the worst.

  “I’ve alerted the leaders of the Green Valley wolf pack to keep a lookout for Rollins, in case he slips into their territory,” Peter said. “Everyone in the pack has been made aware of the fact that Rollins was one of our own, in case there are any hard feelings about the notion that the wolf is only here because of Meghan.”

  “Good. Hopefully, Rollins won’t give the pack any trouble over there…and we’ll be able to terminate him without anyone else getting hurt. There have been a couple of armed robberies and several other crimes in the St. Augustine area, but I don’t see anything concerning the women who testified against Rollins.” CJ looked away from the monitor. “You know, Meghan will be fine when you tell her about your previous mate, Peter. Lena was a good woman, and you know she wouldn’t have found fault in you taking another mate, especially as long as we live and how many years have passed since her untimely death.”

  Peter had already told all the Silvers that tonight was the night he was going to tell Meghan. “Maybe. But Meghan might be angry with me for not mentioning it to her before this.”

  “It’s possible someone has already informed her or one of her sisters, and she’s just waiting to hear what you have to say about it.” CJ and Darien had been the most vocal about Peter telling Meghan the truth once he started dating her.

  CJ’s oldest quadruplet brother, Eric, had reassured Peter several times that his own mate had lost hers earlier on, and everything had worked out fine for them. Even when one of the pack members hadn’t liked it.

  “I should have told her when I first started dating her.” But Peter hadn’t known he’d fall hopelessly in love with Meghan.

  “Well, you’re mentioning it to her now. Look, she was afraid to tell you—or any of us, for that matter—that she sent a wolf to jail. How did you react to the news? You had her back. You sympathized with her. You still feel the same way about her, even after learning the news. And that was before we learned the bastard was one of our own and had murdered several of our men.”

  “This is different. We’re born with the need to take a mate for life.”

  CJ sighed. “Tell her before someone else does. Like Bill, who informed you that Meghan sent a wolf to jail. What if he learns you had a mate and tells her before you have a chance? He might even do it in the hope he can get back with her.”

  Peter agreed with CJ there. “Okay, well, I need to run by the grocery store for a bottle of cabernet and a bouquet of roses.” He’d already special-ordered a Victorian vase for the flowers.

  Smiling, CJ shook his head.

  The guys all gave Peter a hard time because he gave Meghan flowers for any occasion and had shown CJ and his brothers and cousins up after Brett did it the first time with Ellie. Peter was a quick study. Their mates had wondered why they never received flowers, forcing the Silver men to hurry to rectify the situation.

  “She’ll be fine. Oh, and by the way, can you drop Meghan off at my place after you have dinner with her? Or do you want me to pick her up at her place?”

  Peter wanted to take Meghan home with him or stay with her at her place, but if he got called in the middle of the night about Rollins being sighted somewhere, he didn’t want to leave her unprotected, or take her with him and put her in the line of fire. Besides, he wasn’t sure how she’d view his previous mating. “Yeah, sure.”

  Hopefully, tonight’s dinner wouldn’t be a disaster.

  * * *

  Jake was watching out the front window while guarding Meghan at her home. She was busy roasting a chicken, potatoes, and carrots in the kitchen before Peter arrived. She hoped he really was all right with the ghost business
and the situation with Rollins, and not just because he was trying to put on a good show in front of the pack members.

  “Peter’s here,” Jake called out, though she’d heard his vehicle pull into the parking lot and the engine shut off. As soon as Jake went to answer the door, she washed her hands and removed her apron.

  “Are you staying for dinner?” Peter asked Jake, though she was certain Peter hoped Jake was going home to his mate and kids so she and Peter could have a private dinner.

  “Nah. Alicia’s expecting me. You’ll be taking Meghan to CJ’s tonight, right?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah. After dinner. Thanks for watching over Meghan.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Thanks, Jake.” She hated that Rollins had created such a mess for all of them, but she appreciated how everyone had pulled together even before they knew the wolf had been one of their own.

  Jake left, and Peter locked the door. He had brought Meghan a beautiful Victorian vase of flowers—lilies and roses this time. The porcelain was decorated with a raised red porcelain bow, along with red pears, holly, and berries, making it perfect for displaying on their check-in counter at the inn. He was always so thoughtful, not just giving her generic vases of flowers, but always making sure they fit the inn’s decor so the sisters could put them on display.

  Peter pulled off his coat and hat and hung them on her coatrack. He’d changed into his well-worn jeans and a soft blue-plaid-flannel shirt she would love to get her hands all over.

  “I just adore this.” She looked over the beautiful detail on the vase, turning it this way and that, admiring the gold filigree along the base and top edges, and smelled the tea scent of the roses. “They’re lovely. Thank you, Peter. I’ll put it in a place of honor at the inn so everyone can enjoy it. Mostly me.” She set the vase in the center of the table.

  He smiled appreciably, knowing he had done something right. That’s one of the things she loved about him. He really gave a lot of thought to what he was going to give her.


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